Thursday, October 30

hi at 3:08am


too comfortable right now.

in the sense that I can stay up 'til 3:09 in the morning repeatedly doing things that semi-matter.

this can't be good.

no more I shoulds. but I should be doing things.

I miss the stars. the ones in oregon. the space.

saw "the human experience" tonight. go watch it when you can. it's good. life changing in that small, but permanent way.

subconscious enough for you to remember it a few years from now. that's just me projecting into the future.

Thursday, October 23

Time and time again. 2:16

if someone invented time.

why can't someone else invent more time?

there's too many to-do lists with too many items on them.

filling a dixie cup with a fire-hydrant. done.

that's how much time I feel is left in the sand-clock. the hour glass. you can plug it.

but then that's lying. cheating. so what am I doing wrong? am I using a water-glass instead of sand? air? damn it.

someone get the quik-dry cement. put a stop to this. time out my world. freeze-tag it.

there's too much grease on my paper plate. it's not going to hold on much longer.

and my hands are greasy! I hate greasy hands. it gets all over my keyboard. now I can't use my inDesign short-cuts. curse you, grease.

enough venting-mocha-latte. time to wash my hands clean. breathe in. and monkey-wrench that fire hydrant to a trickle.

Friday, October 17

on eating. 3:03 am

Eating a sandwich is the epitome of being okay.

if you're diffusing a bomb and have a sandwich on one hand. there's no problem.

if you're in a shootout and eating a sandwich. a-okay.

eating is a sign that everything is alright.

it's a reminder that we're human. in the middle of anything, we can still take care of ourselves.

we're enjoying. it's a luxury.

when you're not eating. something's wrong.