Thursday, October 23

Time and time again. 2:16

if someone invented time.

why can't someone else invent more time?

there's too many to-do lists with too many items on them.

filling a dixie cup with a fire-hydrant. done.

that's how much time I feel is left in the sand-clock. the hour glass. you can plug it.

but then that's lying. cheating. so what am I doing wrong? am I using a water-glass instead of sand? air? damn it.

someone get the quik-dry cement. put a stop to this. time out my world. freeze-tag it.

there's too much grease on my paper plate. it's not going to hold on much longer.

and my hands are greasy! I hate greasy hands. it gets all over my keyboard. now I can't use my inDesign short-cuts. curse you, grease.

enough venting-mocha-latte. time to wash my hands clean. breathe in. and monkey-wrench that fire hydrant to a trickle.

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