Friday, February 20


A Rant, in the key of A-through-zee.

'cause I'm tired. 'cause I need sleep. 'cause of 'cause.

oh. no more?

that's it. this is it. the things that were exciting this morning were not enough to sustain me through the day. W?

that's what I said.

there's no substitute for sleep. I need to wake up in the morning to do that shuffle we do when we want to shake hands, meet'n'greet, say hi and introduce. make new friends.

I don't know you. yet.

but will do soon enough. compiling friends 'cause I've out grown the ones I have so far? maybe. a compilation of acquaintances. what can happen when you juice blender everyone you know into a room?

too much of everything. not enough of the opposite. a live study in consumption. over doing it. a gluttony of information and ambition. TV stations upon hulu channels. what was it? 160,000 links per day?

more, please. I'm not overloading fast enough yet. 'cause I'm still drowsy lucid. I'm still clicking away. still breathing this way.

realized that what I need is ownership of something. it doesn't feel like I own anything except what I know inside my head. and that's ephemeral. maybe I'm hording in a different sense.

a sense of self worth derived by not what I know. but how much I know. how much more expensive it is. the brand of my knowledge. how pricey it can be to listen to myself echo in a chamber.

saw Juno tonight. I can certainly comment on it. I laughed out loud towards the end. when he says that he actually tries really hard. 'cause that certainly feels true.

there's still a DVD stuck on my laptop. but I can't part with it yet. we just got back together. not yet. too soon. soon enough. too long. this longing.

in four hours I won't remember you.

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