Sunday, March 23

0:23 I wish I could.

write every day.

every. day. and maybe twice a day. that'd be amazing. or very good for my soul. though I don't know if I would really have much to write about if I just spent my day writing life away.

watching the simpsons halloween special V. with the commentaries on. I'd like to watch the entire series on DVD with commentaries and deleted scenes. but that'd require some effort and time that I probably won't have again 'til school's out. then I can just buy the whole set for 200 bucks.

It'd be worth it.

wisdom wound is better now. had actual food today. carefully. writing in silence. under the glow of the screen. it's 0:42am now.

good stuff.

good. so what am I going to editorialize about today? about what? what? what?

wake up at 1pm. eat. head to school. try to do some work. not much gets done. talk about the reject show with suckzoo. slight change of plans.

I doubt whether we can pull it off. but this plan seems more sensible.

received feedback from ji. relationships drive me crazy. I'm not good at them at all.

random random.

also emails back from matt. and wayne. but no words back from debbie or david. which is lame. if you want to say no. why not say no instead of saying no by omission?

what kind of a world do we live in? why is it so much easier to not do anything instead of outright rejection?

don't people know that not knowing isn't a nice feeling?

read about Leo Burnett and Bill Bernbach and Greg something. and a bit on David Ogilvy.

so my thoughts are:

they didn't plan on being in advertising. in order to be interesting, you have to be interested. plain and simple.

so all these immortals that didn't have it in their childhood dreams to become admen, have. what does this say about my generation of schooled ad-kids? shouldn't I be diving into the unknown where I can do whatever I want through stumbling through doors?

make my own way. because the ad industry is too established already.

or just move out and go somewhere else. go where chance will lead me. and live that way. things aren't planned out nicely.

I already don't like having an open blog, 'cause people will read. and I can't be honest. this sucks already. already. already.


did I learn anything today?

it's saturday night and I'm about to go to sleep. it's barely 1am. eeking midnight out.

I'm switching over to filtering things out. there is no audience anyway.

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